Client KitchenAid
Agency WOW Studios
Production Company RESET
Director Henry Scholfield
EP Michael Garza
Local EP Scott Horan
Producer Ash Lockmun
Local Producer Joan Garcia
PM Scout de Wynter
Local PM Mireia Fontanals
1st AD Oleksii Smoliar
Director of Photography Albert Salas
Production Designer Maruxa Alva
Local Art Director Andrea Batlló
Stylist Oscar de la Visitación
Make-Up & Hair Eva Quilez
Choreographer Shay Latkolan
Location Manager Luis Botella
Gaffer Damian Halpern
Grip Xavi Gordi
Editor Adam Robinson
Edit House Cartel
VFX Wicked Pixels
Service Production Company Virtual Films
Shot on location in Barcelona, Spain
Head of Integrated Creative Tito Ramirez
Creative Director Matt Mortimer
ACD, Copy Sarah Uchison
ACD, Art Emily Walton
Senior Producer Jean Gbur